VerifEye Drug Test

by | Mar 15, 2024 | Addiction, Lie Detection | 0 comments

VerifEye drug test can be done discreetly within the privacy of your own home, making it easier for the person taking the test, particularly if it is a family member who wants help with their drug addiction.

The Technology

VerifEye, a mobile application, uses AI to instantly verify the truth by analyzing eye behaviour such as involuntary changes in eye movements and pupil diameter. It captures clear images of the eyes and pupils, resulting in higher accuracy. The app also guides the test-taker on the optimal phone position, ensuring accurate results. Discover the revolutionary truth-verification test that’s now available to everyone. With just a tutorial and your mobile device, you can take the test on your own terms. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to uncover the truth like never before.

Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is a bad thing that can hurt people who take drugs and people who love them. It can make families fight and stop trusting each other. Sometimes, it can even break up marriages. Communications become increasingly strained until finally, it stops altogether. Some may not hear from a loved one for a long time, only to discover that they are living on the street or have fatally overdosed. It’s important to try to stay away from drugs so we can stay happy and healthy but to those already addicted to drugs this is easier said than done sadly.

VerifEye Drug Test

Do you suspect someone you know of having an unhealthy drug addiction? Are they becoming less sociable and withdrawn? Are they acting irrationally or becoming aggressive quite quickly? Is their drug use damaging relationships and interrupting daily life? A yes to any of these questions can be very challenging and daunting. VerifEye can help drug users take the first step into admitting their addiction and begin their recovery journey to a drug-free life. Build your VerifEye Drug test now.